Private Mentorship

Trauma-informed, Somatic-led and Energy-first.

Sara Moon Shift with Sara Quantum Coding Somatic Coaching Embodiment

Portal with Sara Moon.

A portal for the one ready to create big shifts, ready to collapse time, weave new possibilities into their reality, and feel deeply supported within their process of inner exploration, divine expansion, transformation and unfoldment.

For the one who desires to upgrade their subconscious programming, be clearly seen, guided, and held as they redesign their reality from the inside out. For the one ready to cultivate unwavering self-worth, embody their truest expression, and leave the limitations and old stories behind. For the one who is ready to heal past hurts, dissolve misunderstandings, and deepen their connection to themselves. For the one who is ready for magic.

Together, we will create a sanctuary where vulnerability is celebrated, connection is fostered, and sustainable transformation becomes your reality.

Sara Moon Shift with Sara Quantum Coding Somatic Coaching Embodiment

A journey into you.

This coaching package is thoughtfully crafted for humans who yearn for a transformative journey within a container that nurtures intimacy, fosters deep connection, and facilitates sustainable transformation through the power of energetics and somatic embodiment. It is an invitation to embark on a profound exploration of the self, where healing and growth take place at the very core of our being.

My approach is trauma-informed, somatic-led and energy-first, which allows us to quickly and powerfully access the intricately interwoven fabric of reality within the interplay of the subconscious and conscious mind—allowing for profound healing, and weaving new possibilities at the root. In my practice, I firmly believe that our bodies hold the imprints of our past experiences, traumas, limiting beliefs, and untold stories. They serve as vessels that store emotions and memories, impacting our overall well-being.

By delving into the depths of our embodied experience, we uncover the intricate connections between our physical sensations, emotional landscapes, and mental patterns. Through this process, we gain a profound understanding of how trauma has become lodged within us and the ways in which it influences our lives and cuts us off from our wholeness and vitality. We’ll foster a compassionate and safe space, we create an environment where healing and transformation can unfold organically at a pace that feels true to you.

As we reconnect with our bodies, we develop a deeper sense of self-awareness, self-compassion, and self-love. We learn to listen to the wisdom that resides within—becoming the witness to ourselves—honoring our unique journey and creating a pathway for profound personal growth and lasting transformation.

Sara Moon Shift with Sara Quantum Coding Somatic Coaching Embodiment

Shift deeper layers of reality.

This coaching experience is designed to guide you through the intricate terrain of your being, empowering you to release the grip of the past and step into a future filled with authenticity and liberation. Together, we navigate and unravel the threads and patterns that have kept you bound up and limited your life force.

We’ll play in the symbolic realm instead of focusing on concrete problems. We’ll work with the vibrant tapestry of the subconscious, internal world (symbolic landscape) and detangle the coping mechanisms that cut us off from safety, love and connection.

We will go into a deeper layer of reality to unravel and shift the foundational embodiment beneath the surface—focusing on dissolving, resolving and rewriting “the code”, beliefs and patterns.

Together, we will reveal the wisdom magic that resides within—alchemize old hurts, open up to boundless possibilities, create transformational embodiment, and bring your life force back into the present moment. 

It is my honor and privilege to hold space for you throughout this journey of self-discovery and healing. Together, we will create a sanctuary where vulnerability is celebrated, connection is fostered, and sustainable transformation becomes your reality.

Are you ready?


  • 1:1 Support Sessions
    50-60 minutes each to intentionally drop into your inner world and unravel reality.

  • Add Unlimited Voice + Text Support
    via the Voxer App so that you feel held in between sessions.

  • Additional Resources:
    take home exercises, books, podcasts, etc so that you feel overflow in support.


Sara Moon Shift with Sara Quantum Coding Somatic Coaching Embodiment

Private Coaching Portal: 3+ Months
Starting at $700/month*


  • 9 x 1:1 Sessions over three months, 60 minutes each.

    We’ll uncover and dissolve the old patterns, belief systems, and energetic knots stuck in limitations to guide your system into an UPGRADED embodiment of power. Your beautiful life will change as you integrate the shifts—expanding into something EVEN juicier.
    *Virtual and in-person sessions are available.*

  • Voxer is a Free Download on the app store that provides easy on-the-go support live voice and text chat so we can connect in between sessions.

    We will use this space for deeper integration, processing, celebration and check-ins between sessions. You can reach out as much or as little as feels good for you.

    I respond within a reasonable timeframe (within 24-48 hours) - Voxer will be active for the duration of the container if you choose this support in your package.

  • Take home exercises, books, podcasts, playlists, etc. Access to any group offerings that run during out time together.

*Coaching Portal without Voxer $700/month ($2,100 PIF) or with Voxer $1,500/month ($4,500 PIF). A 3-month minimum container with the option to extend at the end if it feels right. Prices shown are pay-in-full. Payment plans are available.


  • Coaching on energy gets us into the deeper layers of reality where we can truly access what needs to integrate—focusing on the beliefs, emotions, patterns and thoughts around the concrete problems, instead of the problem itself. The focus is on shifting at the root to truly change your reality—updating your internal world to experience an upgraded human experience.

    We work with the wisdom and magic of the body and the energetics behind what is going on in the subconscious and the cellular-level tissue—adjusting the “code” and patterns/beliefs that are running your internal world.

    We go slow. I am trauma-informed and will always meet you where you are at. There isn’t any pushing or forcing in my containers. Just unconditional welcoming, support and invitation of choices.

  • Expect the unexpected—presence is where we will play.

    I offer somatic-led coaching and quantum coding (energy work) where we work with the intelligence of the body, the subconscious, and energetic field to track sensations, information and feelings through the body. During a session we will be shifting patterns and beliefs, dissolving and discharging stagnant, stuck energy, and allow the body to come back online into the present, releasing the past and opening up life-force and deepening connection to wholeness.

    I prioritize a safe container, where we go at the pace that is correct for you. we approach every session with curiosity, softness and intention. I promise to be present, accepting and meet you with an abundance of care and acceptance. I promise to give you a loving space of safety you can ease into.

    We will feel into what is present at each session, and intuitively create a plan of action.

  • Pay-in-full or monthly payment options are available. There is an option to extend our container at the end if it feels right.

    Payments are collected through a 3rd party app (Thrive-cart) and paid via Stripe via an invoice. If you are on a monthly payment, your payment date will be on-or-around the same date each month.

    Pay-In-Full for 3 months
    Monthly payments: 3 months or 6 months

  • Breathwork can result in experiences with strong emotional and physical responses and is not recommended if you are pregnant. You will be asked to sign a waiver prior to a Breathwork Session.

    Please review the Breathwork contraindications below for your safety:
    Pregnancy, High blood pressure, Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, Asthma, Glaucoma, Retinal detachment, Osteoporosis, Cardiovascular Disease, including Angina or Heart Attack and/or pacemaker, Feeling unwell or sick, Significant recent physical injuries or surgery.

    Any other medical condition that poses a risk including but not limited to severe mental illness or seizure disorders or for persons using major medications. It is also unsuitable for anyone with a personal or family history of aneurysms.

    *Please let me know if you are not a candidate for Breathwork, and we will modify your sessions.

  • Voxer is a free live voice and text app that makes it easy for quick support throughout your journey.

    Unlimited Voxer coaching is the option to have daily audio chats for further integration and support. We will use this space for deeper support, integration and quick coaching in-between sessions.

    Voxer is active from the opening of our work together and a week after we close. I reply within a reasonable timeframe (M–F) — please allow for up to 48 hours.

  • My containers are gentle portals to truly create transformational embodiment — we intend to work with your intentions, and shift the inner landscape, to welcome an integrated and upgraded reality.

    I offer a 3, 6, and 12 month containers, with the option to extend at the end if it feels correct.